It’s not easy to make sure everyone’s opinion is heard and considered when you have a diverse set of members on your board. The more members of your board feel that their time and expertise is valued and appreciated, the more active they will be in discussions. Plan the agenda with care and distributing it in advance and choosing the appropriate time, selecting the appropriate location, and having access to all the resources is crucial.

It is crucial to have a communication channel open with your board members, even if you are not at a formal meeting. It stops bad news or other issues from being discussed for the first time during a meeting and can help to build cohesion amongst directors. Allowing short interruptions within the meeting room can also help keep meetings productive.

Limiting the number of subjects to be addressed at the meeting is another excellent way to improve the efficiency of your board meetings. Prioritizing two key issues for each board meeting will ensure that the discussion is focused, and allow for more productive discussions.

One of the most frequent complaints from board members is when a conversation diverges from the topic or is lead by one person to much. This can be frustrating for board members, particularly when they’ve spent a lot of time preparing the agenda and are distracted by non-related topics.

Consider eliminating long reports and other routine tasks by encouraging officers and committee chairs to send out summary bullet points prior to the meeting. This will allow for more time to focus on strategic discussions without the necessity for board members to listen to lengthy presentations.